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The term Hobby was once considered short for “hobby horse,” it is currently considered an action that is undertaken for relaxation or gratification that is typically done during an individual’s spare time. Hobbies are practiced for interest and satisfaction, rather than for monetary gain. Examples may include: Collecting (as in stamps or coins), Designing, Tinkering (as in auto repair or restoration), or Participating (as competing in the game of chess or in sports such as basketball or baseball). Each of the previously listed activities, referrer to a potential hobby concern, of which only a few have been mentioned. In-any-event, no matter the season, there is a Hobby suited for you, regardless of age - 8 or 88 . . . A fact that is prominently displayed in Today’s Catalog, which is a mere click away from RIGHT HERE!
Engaging in a hobby can lead to acquiring ample skill(s), familiarity, or knowledge for that particular activity. However, personal fulfillment is the intended goal for the individuals performing an activity considered to be a “hobby”. Your required “hobby fix” can easily and legally be found at many on-line hobby stores such as Trend Times for typical “man toys” and such, but if you’re looking for thinking games, then consider checking out the game of chess at a specialty shop like Chess House. Another alternative would be to select a good book at Amazon.com; the book category was 39 deep on the “Best Sellers” list yesterday; you’ll find the category list starting near the top left of the web-page.
On a broad general basis, children and teens “play”, adults develop “hobbies”. There are however always exceptions … for example “stamp collecting” may be considered a hobby at any age.
Typically, for many of us, hobbies are considered “luxuries”; for as we enter the work force … who has the time? … You see, the majority of our time is utilized trying to “make a living” or finding the time to “rest” (usually due to exhaustion) following a hard day at work! Most of us have a “job” for which we are paid, thus, we “make a living” for ourselves and families; additionally, we must have periods of “rest” to enable our physical selves to continue with the job … so the cycle is often completed with no time for hobbies.
So why bother with a hobby anyhow? Simply put, hobbies have been proven to: enhance your well-being by reduce stress. They are actually therapeutic in nature, plus, hobbies will keep your mind and body active in your retirement years. While this (perhaps overlapping) list mentions a few of the known benefits of a hobby, if you want to reach retirement and enjoy it when you get there, it’s just a good idea to find the spare time for a hobby and it’s a better idea to start at a young age!
In times past, (The Dark Ages for example) it was a lot more difficult to find hobby time; surely, maintaining the essentials (food, clothing and shelter) required considerably more time and effort during that era, compared to the time that’s required today. Those poor folks were not apt to have hobbies.
But then life expectancy was considerably less in those days too . . . Perhaps there’s a correlation!
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